
The Brand Deep Dive 

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But you need a brand that aligns with where you are headed.

And you're juggling the demands of your growing business, feeling stuck in a branding rut because you're branding no longer resonates with where you're going. You care deeply about what your brand communicates and you know it's not doing your increasingly elevated business justice.  

- This might sound familiar -

You're navigating a sea of sameness, feeling your brand is lost among competitors, making it tough to stand out despite your unique offerings.

There's a sense that your brand no longer reflects who you've become; it feels like wearing an outfit you've outgrown, and though you're ready to step up, the path forward remains unclear.

despite your best efforts, there's never enough time to strategize your brand's direction, leaving you feeling stuck in operational tasks without room for growth.

You open your email every day only to find inquiries that don't excite you, often accompanied by budgets that don't align with your expertise.

stand out

Be distinguished from from your competition and connect with clients who are willing to invest in your high-caliber offerings.

unlock your unique value

We focus on your unique value in your industry and why you stand out among the crowd, ensuring that your brand identity is effective and powerful. 

breed trust

A cohesive and distinctive brand identity and online presence breeds trust with your customers, positioning you for increased profits and industry leadership.


Elevating your aesthetics to a place that you resonate with now but that has lasting value you can grow into, creating a truly timeless and elevated brand you can be proud of.

The Brand Deep Dive

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About the Experience

After working in branding for 7 years, I have developed a passion for design but also a deep understanding of the creative entrepreneur's journey. Our unique branding experience transcends typical design offerings by fostering a partnership where you-- the expert in your business, and my branding expertise, unite. This collaboration is fundamental, ensuring that your brand's narrative is authentically woven into every design element.

I use strategic insight with an artful approach to prioritize understanding the essence of your brand and its deeper purpose, enabling us to craft a brand identity that not only stands apart in today’s market but also withstands the test of time. With years of experience and a heart to see you succeed, I am here to guide you through this branding journey, committed to creating a brand that reflects your unique vision and values, ensuring it resonates deeply with your target audience.

- jordan

cotton design co.

The Process

A one hour Zoom call where we deep dive into your business's heart, where your vision meets our strategy expertise, and craft a blueprint that speaks to your core audience. This is the foundation upon which we build your new brand on.

Brand strategy workshop

Kick off with a detailed questionnaire to delve into the essence of your brand, mapping out your vision, values, and the unique story you want to tell. This foundational step ensures every element of your brand aligns with your business goals.

Brand strategy questionnaire 

Through a meticulously curated mood board, we translate your brand's essence into visual language, setting the tone for all creative decisions.

creative direction

A carefully selected palette of fonts and colors that encapsulate your brand's personality, ensuring recognition and emotional connection, as well as cohesion with your logo identity.

Brand colors + fonts

logo + identity creation

Your brand's identity comes to life with the design of a main logo, submark(s), and two alternate logos, tailored for various applications including social media, ensuring a versatile and cohesive brand presence. We'll collaborate closely, going through up to two rounds of refinements once the initial concepts are presented.

Your branding bible, detailing the use of logos, color palette, and typography to maintain consistency and integrity across all brand touch points.

Brand Style Guide: 


Introduce your brand's new era to the world with custom-crafted Instagram launch graphics, designed to make your social media launch as impactful as your vision. accompanied by a step-by-step guide for a successful brand launch, making sure you hit the ground running.

From the Portfolio

past brand deep dive projects

you will

Become An Authority In Your Craft

inquire to work together

Transform Your Brand Presence

Build Trust With Your Audience

What's Included

Due to the customized nature of this offer, if you would like to add on more collateral such as business cards, templates, Instagram templates, etc. just let us know and we can totally make that happen!

Launch Prep Guide

Brand Mood Board

Creative Direction and Strategy Guide

Brand Strategy Questionnaire 

1 Hour Recorded Brand Strategy Workshop

Brand Colors

Font Selection (Header, Sub-Header, and Body)

Main Logo, Submark(s),  Two Alternate Logos

Brand Style Guide

Instagram Launch Graphics

Logo files packaged up in multiple file types

You're newer in your business and do not have all the pieces of your audience, brand values, or brand goals ironed out yet. (That's okay! It takes time.) Honestly, brand strategy won't benefit you until you're more clear on these fundamentals!

You do not have a large budget to put into branding. I actually don't recommend spending a significant amount on branding when you're just starting out!

You need something quickly and don't have the time or bandwidth to invest in a 4 week in-depth process. (check out our Brand Intensive instead!)

You are brand new in your business and do not have your offers nailed down, nor do you know the audience you want to attract. You just need the basics to be taken seriously by potential clients.

it may not be the right fit if:

You are ready to invest the time and money that your brand deserves into this process. You have taken the time to consider this decision and feel like it is the right next step to growth in your business. 

You have been in business for a while and have outgrown your old brand. You have some years under your belt and need to take things to the next level. 

You're looking for an in-depth and expansive experience where you can dig in and uncover your brand identity. You don't mind taking time and consideration to develop the branding that is rooted in strategy. 

You are in a period of transition. Maybe you want to elevate to attract a new level of client, you want to increase your profits, you're pivoting within your industry, or want to raise your prices. 

Who this is for:

inquire today

The Details


I take on one custom brand at a time to ensure complete dedication to your brand, therefore there is usually at least a 2 month wait for a start date.


4 weeks

(30% due to reserve your spot)


starting at

payment plans available

Need a website too?

Custom Website

A completely bespoke website design process where every piece is uniquely designed for you and your business. Uniqueness and impact are your goals with your website and you're ready to make a big splash with a one of a kind design.

Add Ons:

Web Intensive

Many clients need help implementing their new brand into a web experience to round out their rebrand to have the most impact. Let us know if you are interested in adding on a website design!

An abbreviated web design service to put your brand on display with a simple, effective web design that communicates clearly. Perfect for the new business owner, or someone short on time to put together a site themselves.

The project takes four weeks, encompassing everything from our initial strategy session to the final delivery of your brand style guide and launch graphics.

How long does the process take?

The Brand Deep Dive is designed for businesses looking to undergo a significant transformation, requiring a nuanced understanding of their brand's core and a robust, future-proof strategy.

In contrast, The Brand Foundation is a condensed, one-week service aimed at newer businesses or those seeking a quick refresh without the need for an extensive strategic overhaul. It's perfect for those in the earlier stages of their business, needing a foundational brand rather than a comprehensive redevelopment.

how is this different than the brand foundation?

Of course! If you would like to add on more collateral such as sales pages, business cards, templates, Instagram templates, etc. just let me know and we can price it out to add that to the scope of the project!

Can i add on collateral items not listed in the project inclusions?

There is a 30% deposit to book your project in my calendar. Details about the payment structure will be discussed during our initial call, including any payment plans.

How does payment work?


your questions answered

I am so excited to bring my first child into the world this summer and will be on leave until the fall. My books will open again starting in October 2024 on a first come-first serve basis. Fill out this inquiry form to get on the waitlist and I will be reaching out to book a discovery call in September.  This is the perfect time to get on my schedule if you want to finish your branding or website project by the end of the year!

get on the waitlist

maternity leave announcement

The Application